September 11

The World Trade Center attack: by flight path and by minute
The World Trade Center attack [AP Interactive]
The Pentagon attack [AP]
How the buildings most likely collapsed | Related story
Lower Manhattan after the attack
Skies empty after attack
Bush's path

Plane crashes into North Tower
Plane crashes into South Tower
Second World Trade Center tower collapses
A day of infamy: World Trade Center collapses in terrorist attack
In the most devastating terrorist onslaught ever waged against the United States, knife-wielding hijackers crashed two airliners into the World Trade Center on Tuesday, toppling its twin 110-story towers. The deadly calamity was witnessed on televisions across the world as another plane slammed into the Pentagon, and a fourth crashed outside Pittsburgh.

Pandemonium at ground zero of attack
It was the scene of a nightmare: people on fire jumping in terror from the World Trade Center towers just before the buildings collapsed.

'Ugly sound' heralded devastation at Pentagon
As she limped blindly through smoke and debris, smelling her burned hair, feeling the pain from her peeling skin and a blow that had momentarily knocked her to the floor, Ann Parham thought about her mother. Parham was among the lucky ones on the west side of the Pentagon. She got out.

Editorial: America under attack
All that is known for sure this morning is the enormity of the terrorist attacks on New York City and Washington, D.C. Leaping to conclusions about the identities and motives of the terrorists is a mistake.

  Extra Edition
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Bush promises full force of U.S. government will track down terrorists
As chaos unhinged New York and Washington, President Bush deplored the acts of "a faceless coward" and commanded the United States military to high-alert status worldwide. "The resolve of our great nation is being tested. But make no mistake, we will show the world that we will pass this test," Bush declared today.

Locals react to attacks with tears, fear, disbelief
Motorists on their way to work sobbed as they heard the news on their car radio. Others stood at home before their televisions in utter disbelief, reflecting on the Pearl Harbor attack nearly 60 years ago. And at least a few decided the best course of action was to leave the country immediately.

Seattle's 'big symbols' closed; skyscrapers, Space Needle evacuated
The Space Needle was closed, downtown skyscrapers were emptied, service at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport was suspended and a host of other emergency precautions were taken around Seattle this morning in reaction to the terrorist attacks at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

Attacks draw condolences, cheers in Middle East
In the Middle East, crucible of much of the world's terrorism, the horror gripping the United States yesterday reverberated loudly among Israelis and Palestinians. In the West Bank towns of Nablus and Ramallah, some Palestinians cheered and distributed candy to passers-by, and Iraqi television played a patriotic song that began "Down with America!" as it showed the World Trade Center towers collapsing.


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