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The Seattle Times Men's health
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Tuesday, February 13, 2007 - Page updated at 02:05 a.m.

Circumcision significantly lowers HIV risk in men, study finds

Circumcision reduces the risk of HIV infection in men by half, according to a study conducted among nearly 8,000 men in Kenya and Uganda... (Thu, 12/14)

"Watchful waiting" isn't best option for prostate cancer, study argues

Researchers say treating the disease in patients ages 65-80 is worth the risk, rather than waiting to see if the cancer progresses first. (Wed, 12/13)

Global HIV/AIDS battle losing ground, report says

The HIV/AIDS epidemic continued to grow in all regions of the world this year and surged back in some areas where there had been declines... (Wed, 11/22)

Want to live to 85? Stay trim and active, says new study

One of the largest, longest studies of aging found one more reason to stay trim and active: It could greatly raise your odds of living to at least age 85. (Tue, 11/14)

Millions of acetaminophen pills recalled

A major manufacturer of store-brand acetaminophen recalled 11 million bottles of the pain-relieving pills today after discovering some were contaminated with metal fragments. (Thu, 11/09)


