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The Seattle Times Mental health
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Tuesday, February 13, 2007 - Page updated at 02:05 a.m.

Mental-health bill requires equality

In 1977, Randy Revelle says, he almost killed his two young children with a fireplace poker during a psychotic hallucination brought on... (Mon, 2/05)

New kind of home will offer a new kind of life for five women

Hofmann House for Women is a new kind of home for people with mental illness, who more often live with their parents, on the streets or in transitional housing... (Mon, 12/25)

Does your mirror lie?

If you're like most of us, you cling to an inflated view of yourself. It's a well-documented phenomenon called "flawed self- assessment," and it can keep you from being your best. (Sun, 12/17)

Panel recommends antidepressant warnings

A Food and Drug Administration federal panel Wednesday recommended the agency issue its strongest possible warning to alert patients and... (Thu, 12/14)

Study: 1 in 1,000 new mothers suffer from disorders

Within the first three months after giving birth to their first baby, one out of 1,000 women suffer from depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia... (Wed, 12/06)

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