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The Seattle Times Health
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Tuesday, June 14th, 2005: Page updated at 12:00 AM


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Seattle Cancer Care Alliance
825 Eastlake Ave. E, Seattle WA 98109
phone: (206) 288-1024
Cancer patients may sometime during the course of their illness experience pain. Most pain can easily be treated with pain medication and/or other treatments. Your oncologist and nurse will assist you to find the best possible way to control your pain. On occasion your doctor may ask a doctor who specializes in cancer pain management to manage your pain.

Swedish Medical Center - First Hill Campus, Pain Center
747 Broadway, Seattle, WA 98122
phone: (206) 386-2013
Physicians at the Swedish Pain Center are known both nationally and internationally for their pioneering work. Their research has been widely published in medical journals, and they are often asked to share their knowledge with medical professionals at other clinics and hospitals.

UW Medical Center Multidisciplinary Pain Center
1959 NE Pacific, Seattle, WA 98195
phone: (206) 598-3300
We consult, evaluate, and when appropriate, provide treatment for a variety of chronic pain problems and syndromes. Treatment goals focus on the reduction of disability and pain so that individuals can return to an optimal level of function in both their work and personal lives. Patients will then be returned to their referring health-care provider/primary care provider for continuing care.

Virginia Mason Medical Center - Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
1100 9th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98101
phone: (206) 625-7249
Virginia Mason's Pain Management Program is a nationally recognized provider of comprehensive services for patients disabled by chronic pain. We uphold and maintain the accreditation standards developed by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities.

Children's Hospital & Regional Medical Center - Clinical and Diagnostic Services
4800 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98105
phone: (206) 987-2704
The Pediatric Pain Medicine Team consults, evaluates and treats children experiencing acute and/or chronic pain. We are dedicated to improving infant, child and adolescent pain care and quality of life. We provide our patients relief from a variety of afflictions, including pain related to surgical procedures, cancer, sickle cell disease and other conditions.

— Compiled by David Turim, Seattle Times researcher

